Netflix is set to premiere "Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams" on June 14, 2024, marking the streaming giant's first collaboration with acclaimed Indonesian filmmaker Joko Anwar. This exciting partnership...
Shorts Up aims to map and assist Indonesian filmmakers, giving them equal access and opportunities to develop in the world of film. Focusing on short films, this program is...
-Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, underlined the importance of increasing film appreciation and literacy for Indonesian people. In his statement, Hilmar stated,...
Siksa Kubur "Siksa Kubur" is a gripping film that takes viewers on a journey through horror, redemption, and the depths of the human psyche. Directed by Joko Anwar and featuring...
Tukar Tambah Nasib The fantasy drama series Tukar Tambah Nasib depicts the journey of Naya, a woman who tries to experience other people's lives in the hope of finding true...
Synopsis Sijjin A young woman who uses black magic to threaten her cousin's wife. This film offeingr an interesting plot with horror elements and complex conflict between characters. It appears...
"Keluar Main 1994" The long-awaited film, "Keluar Main 1994", finally premiered in cinemas throughout Indonesia today, March 28, 2024. As an original work from South Sulawesi, especially Makassar, this film...
In an interview at the Pers Conference Hari Film Nasional bersama Netflix Indonesia , Ifa Isfansyah, a well-known Indonesian filmmaker, expressed his views on the future of the Indonesian...
"Arthur the King" adalah sinematik yang merayakan ikatan kesetiaan dan persahabatan antara manusia dan hewan. Dengan pengisahan cerita yang menarik, visual yang luar biasa, dan kedalaman emosi, film ini meninggalkan...
Dancing Village the Curse Begins The horror film "Badarawuhi di Desa Penari" is set to spread its wings with a screening in the United States. The sequel to the film...