2024 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) Ambassadors The announcement of the 2024 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) Ambassadors marks a significant step in fostering cross-generational collaboration within the Indonesian film industry. The...
This film takes inspiration from the famous horror YouTube channel, owned by Risa Saraswati, and combines it into a mockumentary format. In this film, the audience will be presented with...
Shorts Up aims to map and assist Indonesian filmmakers, giving them equal access and opportunities to develop in the world of film. Focusing on short films, this program is...
-Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, underlined the importance of increasing film appreciation and literacy for Indonesian people. In his statement, Hilmar stated,...
In an interview at the Pers Conference Hari Film Nasional bersama Netflix Indonesia , Ifa Isfansyah, a well-known Indonesian filmmaker, expressed his views on the future of the Indonesian...
Dancing Village the Curse Begins The horror film "Badarawuhi di Desa Penari" is set to spread its wings with a screening in the United States. The sequel to the film...
The film studio from Jakarta, Table Two Films, won the champion award in the 1 Minute Film Competition. They worked on a film entitled "Yok Shooting Yok", which became a...
Sinden Gaib In "Sinden Gaib," producer Chand Parvez Servia and the Starvision team aim to deliver a chilling horror film inspired by true events, serving as a cautionary tale for...
The Japanese Film Festival (JFF) has been held annually since 2016 under the slogan 'Japanese cinema anywhere, anytime'. The festival has decided to hold additional events in Mexico, Peru, Spain...
WeTV Original Harus Kawin, mencatat pencapaian luar biasa dengan jumlah penonton yang mengesankan. Dalam waktu singkat sejak perilisannya, serial ini berhasil menarik perhatian lebih dari 50 juta penonton di platform...